Yesterday I was cleaning my younger daughter Neha's bookshelf when I chanced to get the welcome speech she had given as outgoing Head Prefect of her school, Methodist Girls School, Singapore(after her 'O' level graduation). It brought back memories of 2004, and how proud we had felt at her achievements! Here is the transcript of her speech.
Good morning.... everyone.......
Wow, it's really nice to hear all-girls singing again. Today, it is indeed with a loving heart and joyous song that I speak of MGS. Other institutions of learning may be places of academic excellence, fond friends and warm memories, but MGS will always be more. Even though I have graduated, I still hold a very special place in my heart for this school.
But enough of my reminiscing. We are all gathered here for a more important reason than to hear last year's head prefect moan and groan about how much she misses MGS. We are not just here to officially install the prefects of 2004 but also to commend their efforts so far.
Most of you must have heard of the value of 'serving by leading' and 'leading by serving'. These prefects here today have been elected as leaders amongst the students of this school. And, make no mistake about it--- it is the responsibility of a leader to serve those who have given her this power of leadership. Leadership isn't about being in control all the time. As leaders, your peers will count on you to provide direction and guidance in every aspect of school life by setting an example. Know that when much is given, much is expected. You have been given great power and you are to deal it out with responsibility and humility.
Use your authority wisely, and invest it into furthering the ambitions of our school. At the same time, do not be apprehensive or discouraged by such a responsibility but be bold and courageous. It is an honour to serve the school as a leader, and to lead by serving the students of this school.
During my term last year, Mrs Yap wrote this quote to me, "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." This I feel very aptly describes the values of the prefectorial board and every single MGSian, of MGS as a whole.I believe that each and every one of you was made a prefect for a reason. The prefectorial board has had a rich legacy of excellence and it's now your turn to uphold it and this too is not coincidental. Don't be afraid to go where there are no footsteps to follow in because creating new footsteps is precisely your job as leaders.
So, prefects of 2004, I hope that you will remember this--- You are heiresses of great power as well as responsibility and when these virtues blend, God-willing, the spirit of the blue and gold shall permeate throughout the school and touch every fibre of every student's being. It is your duty, your faith, to keep the MGS flame burning with fierce pride as you nobly run the race.
Based on first hand experience, you are all an amazing bunch of fine ladies, with double servings of enthusiasm and diligence. Last year, seeing you work on the various projects we undertook, I can conclude beyond reasonable doubt that you all are one of the best teams I've ever worked with! There were 72 of us and the collective power of 72 is immense. You did a great job last year and I have faith that this year will only be better!
At this point, I would have proposed a celebratory toast to the succeeding batch of prefects but it's illegal in more than one way.
To all of you, may the academic year be bountiful. Work hard, play hard and party hard. Cherish your friends and teachers. Believe me, you'll miss them. Here I also want to thank everyone who made last year so successful. A big thank you to the school administration and teachers for listening to our lofty dreams and helping us realize them. And for the memories, experiences and, most importantly, love, thank you very much MGS!
So with that, I wish the prefects of 2004 a fruitful year ahead. To Gerry and Nadine and the other 70 prefects, I wish you the very best of luck.
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