Sunday, 21 June 2015

What is beauty?

Does your partner look as beautiful to you today as five years ago, or last year or yesterday?

Now, what is beauty? Who is beautiful? If we go by the definitions of beauty projected by the numerous advertisements in the daily newspapers, a woman is beautiful only if she is as "endowed" in that area as the model in the ad.

As a woman myself, I fail to understand the typical definition of sexiness, attractiveness and the other --- "nesses" linked to one's body's form. Or how losing hair or that male pattern baldness makes a man less attractive or sexy?

A study published in July, 2004 issue of scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior shows that our idea of our lover being beautiful depends on what we have learnt about him or her over time.We all start perceiving physical attractiveness or beauty differently after a while. Scientists have found that those people who we find initially physically appealing would not look that good if negative traits start piling up. On the other hand, a person will look even better if positive attributes add up, even as age takes its wrinkly toll.

So if you believe in love at first sight, keep in mind that the person who makes you swoon now, might not after a few weeks, months or years. The desirability of a possible mate depends as much on the "non-physical" traits like whether they are cooperative, dependable, brave. hardworking, intelligent and so on--- as on physical factors like smooth skin and symmetrical features. It is not smart to discount potential partners on looks alone, because many less-than-pretty folks have plenty of beautiful traits.

The worth and value of a woman are not and should not be measured by the her vital statistics or shape of her features. A woman has much beauty to celebrate: her life and identity, the vital role she plays in the domestic setting and the workplace, the contributions she has made in various arenas through the years, her creative energies manifested in her writing, and the power in her voice which can still both a crying baby and a raging sea, among others.

Therefore, every woman is beautiful and worthy, with or without her perfect body or features. The bottom line is -- Beauty remains an ethereal thing, becoming brighter or duller over time depending on the person who perceives it. Someone has rightly said-- Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it!

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