Monday, 4 April 2016

How are micro nutrients different from macro nutrients?

The food we eat provides us with energy as well as with essential ingredients necessary for the growth and maintenance of our body. All these nutrients can be divided into two main categories, micro and macro nutrients.

Micro Nutrients

These are present in our diets, but in very small amounts. These can be found in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Micro nutrients, just like water do not provide energy; however they are still needed in adequate amounts to ensure that all our body cells function properly. Even though their presence is in minute amounts, these are very important to nutrition.

Most of the micro nutrients are known to be essential nutrients, meaning they are those which are indispensable to life processes, and what the body cannot make itself. In other words, this means these essential nutrients can only be obtained from the food we eat.
Micro nutrients can be found in;
· Vitamins
· Minerals
· Trace elements

Macro nutrients

These are present in our diets in large amounts, and make up the bulk of our diets.
They can be found in;
· Carbohydrates
· Fat
· Protein

And water.

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