Saturday, 23 May 2015

Many forms of Love

When we love someone a lot and feel very close to him, he is the one who is more likely to hurt us. It has been seen that the more caring we are, the more sensitive we become. And the more sensitive we are, the more hurt we will be. Then what is love? Love is about not losing sight of the good in the other person even when he hurts us. Love is unconditional acceptance of another person.

Love can manifest itself in our lives in different ways, all of which are necessary and useful. And these different manifestations are dependent on the needs of our loved ones. Some of the forms that love takes are:

Celebration is love affirming the lives and achievements of others.

Helping someone is love sharing the burden of others.

Humour is when love uplifts our loved one's mood and results in joyful lightness.

Respect is derived from the word re-spectare which means looking twice. So respect is love 'looking twice' at the views of others.

Attentive listening is love focused on the other's story/talk without distraction or interruption.

Compassion is love aware of the others' suffering and responding to it with depth.

Loyalty is love supporting and standing along with others in their hard times.

Creativity is love making gifts, both tangible or intangible, for others.

So whatever way we express our love, it gives happiness, and feelings of security and well-being to our loved ones, ultimately spreading joy all around us!

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, it is giving a prospective that is not normally understood.
